Would you help us get the word out on Nextdoor?

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Alexis Weigand Real Estate Group is now on Nextdoor, the private social network for neighborhoods. Would you recommend us to your neighbors and help get the word out?

Recommend us: https://nextdoor.com/pages/alexis-weigand-group/recommend/

We appreciate the support you provide to our local business.

Family Photo-shoot, Carter 2 years, Cade 3.5 months

0001We had a photographer come to the house the other day to capture some shots of us and the kids. The photographer, Chris Saucedo, came at 9am and it was 34 degrees outside! We were only able to tolerate the cold for about ten minutes but I was happy he was able to get some cute shots!

Cade is officially sleeping through the night! He sleeps for seven hours so we are all feeling more rested these days! He’s a very happy baby that LOVES to be held and rubbed and prefers to be naked. But then again, isn’t that every man?!  He had his four-month appointment this past week and weighs 16lbs. To put that into perspective, he is wearing 6-9 month clothes. Or you can just take one look at his cheeks and see that he is quite the chunk!

Carter can’t wait for the warmer weather. He loves to be outside to play with all of the joys nature has to offer – rocks, dirt, sticks, etc. He favorite possession is still his basketball goal. He drags the huge goal all around the house and even had a melt down when it wouldn’t fit in his crib one night. Outside of basketball he has added dinosaurs and toy cars to his list of favorites. He lines all of his cars up and is very neat and orderly with them. This attention to detail must come from his Daddy!

After these pictures were taken, I realized my little man needed a haircut. His hair was so long in these pictures it makes me laugh!  Since we’ve had it cut, I feel like he looks so different. I’ll post more soon but enjoy the slideshow below!

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Cade is HERE!

Cade Christopher Weigand, 5 days old

Cade Christopher Weigand is HERE! He arrived on September 24, 20012 and weighed 8lbs 12oz and was 22 inches long! My doctor induced me a week early and after seeing what a BIG baby he was, she was so relieved that she did! Had we waited any longer, I probably would have had to have a c-section. As it was, the little guy’s shoulder got stuck during delivery so my recovery process was a little longer than anticipated, due to all of the bruising and stitches. Having said that, I was still back at work and in my office a week after delivery!

I am loaded with guilt for waiting so long to post to this blog, so please accept my apologies! My focus has been on my business and getting our family settled with our newest addition! Cade is now five weeks old and is as healthy and happy as can be. He already weighs over 11lbs and has outgrown all of his newborn outfits. As you all know, organizing the boy’s closets is one of my favorite pastimes. I have already had to box up over fifty of his sweet outfits. 😦

Cade is not yet sleeping through the night but he is starting to sleep for closer to 3-4 hours at a time instead of waking up every 2-3 hours. Chris has been helping out with night duty which has been a HUGE help! I am nursing and then pumping when out of the house and I hope to continue until he is at least 6 months old.

Carter is 22 months and is talking up a storm! He LOVES his new nanny, Ms. Patty. She keeps a daily journal of the boy’s activities and each day she proudly reports at least 3 new words that Carter has said! He likes to love on his younger brother and gets very worried when Cade starts crying. He will run over to the baby and rub his head or try to give him a pacifier. He loves to push the baby’s swing and even attempts to share his favorite food with the baby – the dog’s food! Carter eats like a king and then chooses dog food for dessert, lol. It’s disgusting and we try to keep the dog food out of reach but he always manages to sneak a pieces when it’s down and we aren’t looking. I know this because I can smell it on his breath!! :/

Hook’em Horns!

In summary, I am SO RELIEVED to no longer be pregnant!!! I had a really rough last couple of months and the 100+ degree heat did not help my situation! The positive part of the end of my pregnancy was that in my final two months, I helped ten families either sell or buy a new home!

We are now a happy and busy little family of four. Many have asked if we will try for a girl. We aren’t making any decisions for at least another two years. Right now we just want to enjoy our sweet boys and absorb every minute of it. Plus, it’s going to take a long while for anyone to be able to convince me to sign on for another year of pregnancy and sleepless nights. If I had to bet, I would say we are done and I will be perfectly content with my three adoring boys. 🙂

To try to make up for lost time, I have included many photos below. Enjoy!

Mama Weigand

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2 months until Cade Christopher’s arrival!

Two months to go!

We are officially on the countdown to Cade’s arrival!  We have 63 days until September 24, Cade’s due date.  I was on bed rest at this time during my pregnancy with Carter, so I’m in somewhat new territory.  More than anything, I’m ready to get back to my normal clothing stores and stiletto heels!  I’m not a huge fan of my closet right now, which primarily consists of maternity dresses and flats.

Carter is doing well.  He is almost 19 months and says maybe 5 words so far.  His vocabulary currently consists of, “uh-oh, ball, more, Mama and Dada.”  His favorite pastime is most definitely playing basketball.  We have a mini basketball goal in his playroom, along with a slide.  He climbs the slide with the ball and then shoots it into the goal.  This continued routine keeps his entertained for hours at a time.  He’s actually become quite good and consistently makes his shots!  When he does, he exclaims, “ohhhh-beeee!”  It’s become the new phrase in our house hold!

My Keller Williams Luxury office had it’s best month in history!  We closed $102,000,000 of homes last month alone!  No office in the city of San Antonio has ever done that!  There many firms that don’t do that in an entire year!  Needless to say, I’ve been super busy working with both buyers and sellers.  My work has been my savior, keeping me busy and keeping my mind off of the inconveniences of pregnancy.

Chris’ San Antonio office received major honors from the San Antonio Business Journal!  They were the featured article and won San Antonio’s 2012 Deal of the Year for their work on the Halliburton site!  To receive San Antonio’s deal of the year, especially during their first year in business, is pretty impressive!  Chris has hired two new partners and is killing it!  I’m so proud of him and just love bragging on his continued success!

30 weeks pregnant

My parents are in Vegas this weekend for my brother Will’s basketball tournament.  He’s on a traveling team that consists of 15/16 year olds from all over San Antonio.  Will turns 16 this week and is 6’7″.  He’s had a girlfriend for over a year and is still at TMI.  He’s doing really well and I’m constantly reminded of what our future may look like with Carter and Cade, as my parents are living and breathing basketball tournaments right now!  When we go to watch him, Carter insists on bringing his little basketball and likes to run right to the  goal.  Luckily, there is usually a court open and Chris will take him and lift him in the air so he can play as well.  So far, basketball is this child’s life!  Instead of a sweet teddy bear, my child insists on sleeping and going everywhere with his basketball, lol!

All is well in the Weigand household…just counting down the days until I can have my body back and meet my baby Cade! We haven’t taken many pictures lately so most of the slideshow consists of pictures from a bridal shower my Mom and I threw for my girlfriend Jordan Lord.  It was a lovely shower so I thought I would share!


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Carter is 17 months old, Mama is 24 weeks pregnant!

22 weeks pregnant

Carter is 17 months old and I am 24 weeks pregnant!  After writing that sentence, all I can think to say is “poor Chris!”  I’m kidding but not completely, lol!  Carter is very into throwing balls, throwing dirt, playing in the garden and splashing around in his raised water tubs.  He’s an extremely active little boy and loves to be outside.

I am finally at the stage where there is no second-guessing if I am pregnant!  My doctor says my weight and belly measurements are right on target but I feel like my belly popped quicker this second time around.

If Cade doesn’t make his debut before September 23, my Doctor will induce.  This means I have 15 weeks at most until our little man joins us!  Fun fact: My Grandma’s birthday is on September 23!!!!

Carter, 17 months

Chris and I celebrated our third year anniversary on May 23 by going downtown to eat at a new restaurant called Bliss!  It was fabulous and since my parents kept Carter for the night, we were able to enjoy our evening downtown.  We rarely get to downtown San Antonio and there are so many new hotspots that have popped up in the last year!  We also celebrated Chris’ Grandfather’s 90th birthday at Silo!  All of the his family flew in and they hosted a fabulous dinner!

At 17 months, Carter was finally ready for his first haircut!  He hated it until they gave him a lollipop and he was able to go from Mommy’s lap to Daddy’s lap.  This child can be such a Daddy’s boy sometimes!

He is in classroom four at his daycare and from what we can tell, his best friend is a little boy named Tucker Stewart.  I am good friends with Tucker’s Mom and at first, daycare had to separate them because they kept biting each other.  His teachers say they rough-house with each other a lot but are currently best buds.

Real estate is booming here in San Antonio and I’m really enjoying my work!  Chris is looking to hire three more full-time employees, so needless to say, Big Red Dog Engineering is growing and doing really well!

We are both working hard to grow our businesses and trying to keep up with Carter’s never ending energy!  Life is good and we are starting to count down the weeks until we get to meet Cade Christopher Weigand! (Yes, his name keeps changing!)  15 weeks to go!!

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It’s a boy!!

Carter Weigand, 15 months

Through Facebook or friends, most of you know by now that we are having another little boy!  Right now our top name is Cade Sutton Weigand.  Sutton was my Mother’s maiden name and Chris and I both really like it.  We haven’t used any family names yet and I like the idea of passing one down.

I shed a couple of tears, ok a lot of tears, after our appointment with the sonogram technician.  I think there are so many hormones and emotions right before finding out, I probably would have cried a little either way.  I’ll be honest though and admit that I was almost positive we were having a girl.  I was so sure of it because this pregnancy has been very different from my last one.  I was much, much sicker during the first trimester and the fatigue has been exponentially worse this time as well.  Just goes to show you that every pregnancy and child in different, no matter the gender!

We are thrilled about having another boy!  I almost have Cade’s closet completely organized and all of his clothes hung!  Organizing my children’s closets has become my favorite pastime!  I am 21 weeks right now and Cade is due to enter this world on September 30, 2012.  I am hoping and betting that he will come two weeks early!

Carter has no concept of my growing tummy, lol.  He’s 16 months old and still working towards his first word, outside of Mama and Dada.  Mama, of course, was his first word!  He was at 95% on all accounts at his last checkup.  He’s quite a bit taller than all of the kids in his daycare class, so I’m guessing he’ll remain that way from here on out.  I now buy him 3T shirts and 2T shorts.  He is tall and skinny, surprise, surprise.  😉

I flew out to Vegas a couple of weeks ago for the Keller Williams luxury real estate conference.  Mom and Dad and about 20 of our San Antonio agents made the trip as well!  It was a quick trip full of networking and fabulous speakers, but we managed to fit in fine shopping and dining!  I finally got the opportunity to eat at Joe’s and try their famous stone crabs and key lime pie!!  Mom and Dad have been raving about the other ones in Miami and Chicago and they were right, it’s phenomenal!!  Via Facebook, my college roommate from Spain, Mike Fernandez,  saw I was in Vegas and let me know he was also there on business!  We were able to meet up after about 9 years!

Easter 2012

Mother’s Day this year was absolutely perfect!  I woke up and Carter gifted me an engraved bottle of Coco Chanel Mademoiselle perfume and had the bottle engraved, “Happy Mother’s Day, Love Carter.”  I cried when I read his little card to me that had his handprints on it!  Chris gifted me a 3 month membership for massages at a spa nearby!  Woot, woot!

Mom came and picked me up Mother’s day morning and we drove out to JW Marriott’s Lantana spa for massages and a relaxing afternoon by the pool.  If you haven’t been out there, you must go! The spa’s pool and restaurant are completely private from the main pool; think yoga music, private cabanas, and a completely zin atmosphere.

After a very relaxing afternoon, we returned to my parent’s house that evening and the boys cooked an outstanding steak dinner for us! Dad grilled the steaks, had champagne chilled and a lovely bottle of French wine open.  Chris made a mouth-watering side of brussel sprouts, rich and flavorful mashed potatoes and large heirloom tomatoes seasoned, broiled and topped with parmesan cheese.  They ended the meal with a decadent dark chocolate cake! The boys really outdid themselves this year!

In closing, we are all happy and healthy and our businesses are both growing. Cade and Carter are both getting bigger by the day and my doctor says I should be able to carry to term this time. Life is good!

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Top 15 Gift List for Expecting Moms!

Over the last year, I’ve had many girls ask me for my favorite baby items.  Most girls that have asked are either soon-to-be Moms or friends that are about to throw a baby shower.  I thought it would be a cute idea to blog my top fifteen baby items, especially since I’ve had a handful of girls recently request just that!  Here are my top baby items that I recommend every Mother have for the first year.  This of course excludes all of the basics like a crib, changing pad, diapers, etc.!  Those are always welcome gifts but here are a couple that you may not have thought of!  So here it goes, in no particular order!

  1. Bumbo
  2. Baby Swing
  3. Vibrating Chair
  4. Baby Activity Mat
  5. Jumper
  6. Baby Jogger City Mini stroller and Mommy Hooks
  7. BOB Jogger
  8. Boppy pillow
  9. Carseat cover
  10. Peek-a-boo Pod
  11. Bamboo burp cloth
  12. Grocery cart and high chair cover
  13. Baby Bjorn carrier
  14. Wubbanub pacifier
  15. Miracle swaddle blanket

Pictures and details of the items are below!

We used the Bumbo multiple times a day!  Before Carter could sit up on his own, he would sit in this.  He loved being at eye level, so if we were doing the dishes or cooking, the Bumbo was perched on our counter with a very content Carter sitting in it, observing everything around him.  We would put this on the table as well so that we could feed him once he started eating solids.  Easy to wipe clean and perfect for travel.

Baby Swing.  Carter used this daily as an infant!  I even bought a portable one for when we went to my parent’s house or traveled.  They are great for babies that have reflux as well because the baby actually sleeps at an incline.  I have this Fisher-Price little lamb swing and it plays music and swings in different directions.  The cover is also easy to move which is great for when they spit-up.

This bouncer also vibrates.  When babies are young, they are too small to bounce themselves.  I loved this chair because it has different vibrating speeds and plays music.  Carter loved the activity bar that sits above the seat and it’s easily removable!

JV Sports Activity Gym
I loved this activity mat from Pottery Barn Kids!  It has lots of hooks all over so I was able to add more toys!
As babies get older, they LOVE to jump!  This kept Carter entertained for hours!  I loved the particular one because it is adjustable and has three different height settings.  This retails for $100 and is worth ten times that much!
Baby Jogger 2012 City Mini Stroller (Green/Gray)The Mommy Hook 1005
This City Mini Stroller by Baby Jogger is super lightweight and very easy to maneuver.  I bought this particular stroller because by simply grabbing the strap in the front, it quickly folds in half and is a breeze to put into my car.  I can do it one-handed with Carter on my hip!  I kept this in my car and used it at the mall and whenever I would run errands.  You need to also get yourself two Mommy Hooks.  These will hold shopping bags, purses, etc.  I bought four so that each stroller could always have two on it!
The BOB is used by every runner and jogger in America!  All of our friends have one and insisted that we get THE BOB!  I am so happy that we took their advice! We use this for walks and jogs around the neighborhood and outdoor events.  It’s extremely easy to maneuver!  Do not buy this as your everyday stroller; its way too bulky!
Geo Boppy®
I used the Boppy to support Carter while he was nursing.  I then used it to help Carter learn how to sit up!  You of course have to order a couple of cute covers!  You can find them anywhere and Etsy.com has more unique covers that can be personalized!  These covers are from Pottery Barn Kids.
Baby Ritzy Rider™ Infant Car Seat Cover in Blue Minky Dot & Social Circle Blue
Get yourself a car seat cover!  Not only are they more fashionable but they are reversible!  If you have ever tried washing a car seat, you know what a pain it is to remove the outer layer.  Babies spit-up and spill milk and this cover saved us from the sour milk smell!  I got so many compliments on this and LOVED how easy it was to put on and take off of Carter’s car seat.  I bought this one from Itzy Ritzy online.  Careful, the site is addicting!!
This is called a Peek-a-boo Pod.  Again, it’s made by the fabulous Itzy Ritzy!  When the babies are little, you snap their car seat into grocery carts, upside down high chairs, etc.  This allows them to nap without excess light and it also keeps the general public from constantly touching your baby and commenting on how cute they are!  I never left home without this!
Bitzy in Social Circle Blue & Baby Bamboo
This bamboo burp rag made the list because of its shape!  Babies are constantly bopping their heads around and turning from side to side.  I always had a couple of these packed in the diaper bag because they protected my clothes so much more than the basic rectangular burp cloths.  These are also super soft and come it very cute colors!  Again, say thank you to Itzy Ritzy!
Ritzy Sitzy™ Shopping Cart & High Chair Cover in *NEW* Fresh Bloom
Shopping cart and high chair cover. Not only does this keep germs away but it allows you to hook toys to it!  We keep one of these in our cars at all times!  This cover is from ItzyRitzy.com
Baby Carrier Original from BABYBJÖRN
Chris used the Baby Bjorn a lot when Carter was little.  We traveled with it but he also kept Carter in it when we were just cooking in the kitchen or had friends over.  Great for shopping at the mall, grocery store, etc.
Last, the wubbanub pacifier is a must-have!  I bought three frogs so that we would have one wherever we were.  When the kids are little it’s much easier for them to grab hold of the stuffed animal to control the paci.  Also, when they spit it out, it doesn’t go falling to the floor.  It stays right on top of them as they sleep. 🙂  They sell all kinds of cute animals!
Miracle Blanket in Blue Solid
This is called a miracle blanket.  They come in all types of materials but they key is the velcro and shape of the blanket.  You simply tuck your baby in and secure the velcro as tight as you like.  We used to call Carter Houdini because he would always find a way to wiggle his way out of being swaddled.  You won’t have that problem with this blanket!  We used it every single night!
Below are a couple of pictures of Carter using some the items mentioned above!

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16 Weeks Pregnant!

Baby kisses in the bluebonnets!

I’ve officially hit 16 weeks!  My official due date is September 30th but the baby is measuring to be due on Sept 26th.  I think it’s crazy how they can estimate down to the very day of delivery!

Many of you have asked me if the doctors think I might deliver early again.  The short answer is no; they don’t think I will deliver early.  My bleeding and complications from the last pregnancy were caused by a placental separation.  That placenta is out of my body and we are working with a brand new one, so the odds are in my favor that I will carry this baby to term.  Having said that, I am still considered a high risk patient so I’m still seeing the same specialist I saw last time, just to be on safe side.

I really enjoyed my last sonogram.  The baby had hiccups and I was able to watch him/her bounce around on a flat screen t.v. for about twenty minutes while the doctor took pictures and measurements.  The detail that today’s technology allows you to see is phenomenal.  It always leaves me marveling at how our bodies inherently know exactly how to create and nourish these new babies.

Baby in shades!

My nausea has subsided!!  As always, Chris has been wonderful over the course of the last three months.  He took over almost all of the cooking, cleaning, diaper changing, etc.  I guess Carter noticed my absence as well because he now reaches for Chris when he falls or he’s tired.  He is becoming a Daddy’s boy very quickly!  I cannot lie though, its sheer joy for me to sit back and watch the two boys play and rough house together.  🙂

At Carter’s 15 month checkup he was 27lbs and 33 inches tall which put him in the 90-95% for his age!  Now that Carter is walking without the help of his walker, he is all over the place.  He opens and closes doors as he wishes and roams from room to room.  He seems to be enjoying daycare and his new favorite toy is his electric car.  Right now, his only words are Ma-ma and Da-da but he points to everything and loves to hear us tell him what he’s pointing at.  I included some cute shots of him playing with his best friend, Davis Lowrey.  That night, they were obsessed with Thomas the train!

Our real estate market has picked up tremendously I’m staying very busy.  It’s been a great distraction and I’m currently dealing with wonderful clients that are eager to keep up with all of the details of my pregnancy.  It’s always fun to be surrounded by people who are so excited about babies!!

Big Red Dog Engineering is also staying busy and has outgrown their Boerne office!  I am currently negotiating a lease for larger office space for them in San Antonio!  All is well with the Weigand family!  We enjoyed our Easter Sunday and will post pictures on the next blog post!

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Another Bun In The Oven!

Ever since Carter was born, Chris and I have been talking about how far apart we want our children to be.  For many different reasons, we both wanted our kids to be about two years apart. We did the math and that meant we needed to start trying around January.  Well, just like last time, I was very fortunate to get pregnant right away!  We got our first positive pregnancy test on January 21st!

So there you have it.  I have another bun in the oven!  My first trimester with Carter was challenging but this one has been straight up exhausting.  I’m on anti-nausea medicine from the time I wake up until it is time for bed.  I take one zofran at 7am, one at 2pm and then phenegran at 9pm. I’m almost 11 weeks along so I’m hoping all of this will soon pass!

For those of you wondering, I’m betting that it is a girl.  My Mom was much sicker with me than she was with Will.  Plus, the old wives tales say women are sicker when carrying girls.  I know every pregnancy is different but I will be shocked if we find out I’m carrying a boy!  It’s just crazy that this first trimester has been so much more challenging than the first time around!

Have we picked out a name?  Of course we have!!  Elise Ann is our girl name.  I love the name Elise and it’s a shortened version of Elizabeth, my Mom’s name.  Ann is my Grandma’s middle name, my Mom’s middle name and my middle name so it’s only fitting to pass it down to our precious little girl!

If we are having another little boy, we will probably name him Sutton Cade.  We haven’t decided with certainty but we both really like those two names.  We should be able to find out the sex of the baby in early May.  This feels like an eternity to me!

An update on Carter

Stacking blocks is a serious task, one the Carter does not take lightly!

Carter has officially taken his first steps!  I was actually buying him shoes at Stride Rite when I saw him take his first 3 steps!  He was wearing his new kicks and I was checking out.  I turned around to check on him and he just stood right up and walked towards me.  I was speechless!

His old daycare is relocating to a location even further away from our house so we made the decision to move Carter to Country Home Daycare.  We loved his teachers at Little Lighthouse almost as much as Carter loved them.  He used to be all smiles and would reach out for Miss Ashley when he saw her in the mornings.  Chris drops him off in the morning and says it’s so hard to leave him because he just looks up at him and cries when he leaves.  It is definitely an adjustment but I’m hopeful that with a little time, it will get better.  One fun thing about the new daycare is that three of my high school friends have kids in Carter’s class!

Until next time! xoxo

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Stepping into my 30’s in style!

Chris and I decided to celebrate my 30th birthday in the Windy City!  Chris has many fond memories of spending time with his father and grandfather at Cubs games and Navy Pier in Chicago.  My Mom took me to Chicago for a girl’s trip a handful of years ago and we had a blast eating fabulous food and hitting up the local jazz bars.  We both love Chicago but had not yet made the trip together!

Southwest offers a two-hour direct morning flight so we flew out on Friday morning.  When we landed, my voicemail was full of messages from agents calling on a new listing.  I’ve always said, all it takes is leaving the city for me to get really busy!  We checked into the James hotel and were pleasantly surprised.  We loved the contemporary décor and could not have asked for a better location!

We headed to Le Colonial, an upscale French-Vietnamese restaurant for lunch.  This restaurant came highly recommended and I cannot say enough good things about it!  After lunch, I couldn’t resist a trip to Lululemon, which was directly across the street.  I of course got myself some fun things but I also got Chris a pair of pants – love a well dressed man at the gym!

We met up with Ryan Anderson, Chris’ college roommate, for drinks at Sable.  Their cocktails and appetizers were outstanding!!  We then finished the night with late dinner reservations at The Purple Pig.

Saturday was spent with a dear high school friend, Kate Henerey, and her husband Adam.  They picked us up in the morning and took us to Lincoln Village, close to where they live.  While catching up and trading gossip, we enjoyed a long Italian lunch, shopping and gelato!  That night we dined at Primehouse, a modern American steakhouse that is actually located in the James hotel.  The restaurant is known for their special patent for dry-aging their meats.  They age them in a Himalayan salt-tiled aging room on premise. Chris loved his steak and I was thrilled with my scallop dish and everything else we ordered!  We met up with Anderson to finish the night at Blue Chicago to catch a live jazz show.

Sunday morning we experienced the most exquisite brunch at Nomi in Park Hyatt hotel.  Best brunch yet!  We rolled ourselves out of Nomi and strolled towards Louis Vuitton.  We finally splurged and I got the purse I have been eyeing for quite some time!  We finished our trip with a drink on top of the John Hancock tower and made a mad dash into Adagio Tea room before heading to the airport.

My birthday trip was a complete success!  I included all of the links for your reference, shall you find yourself making a trip to Chicago in the near future. 🙂


P.S. The last picture in the slideshow was taken here in San Antonio at Perry’s steakhouse.  A handful of my girlfriends made it out on Wednesday night to help me celebrate my big 3-0!!

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